What was the challenge?
The RIE is mandatory health and safety Risk Assessment and Evaluation process for all organisations in the Netherlands. In a RIE the inventory of employees work risks is made and measures are defined to mitigate the risks to a minimum. Existing RIE solutions did not meet Delfland's requirements because they were not user-friendly, for example many "unnecessary" questions were asked. It was also difficult to keep track of the measures for a specific business unit.
What was the approach?
Delfland and IntellinQ partnered to create the solution. In an iterative process with the end-user requirements as a starting point GeolinQ was customized to support the RIE proces.
What was the outcome?
With GeolinQ Delfland has a flexible system to facilitate the RIE. Based on the role of the users, relevant RIE information is available. Delfland is also able to define and customize RIE management reports. The reports are made available to users based on roles or responsibilities.