Spatial Data Management

Dutch Key register sub-surface data (BRO)

The BRO will be one of the 12 key registers in the Netherland and will offer a unified registration of sub-surface information of the Netherlands. The BRO consists of 26 registration object types. Examples are groundwater levels and soil type in an area and oil and gas wells. The BRO will be introduced in several stages in the next few years. The BHR-P registration unifies the description of groundwater monitoring measurement points. BHR-P will be one of the first available objects types of the BRO. BRO will be availble in te next few years via WSDL services offered by TNO. More information, in Dutch, with the latest information of  the BRO is available via: and

Bron: TNO, Geologische Dienst Nederland

BRO using GeolinQ  

GeolinQ offers already functionality to use the TNO WSDL services. In end-to end tests two data objects, bodemkundige boorbeschrijvingen (BHR-P) and Grondwatermonitoringput (GMW) GeolinQ is used in 2017 to evaluate the datamodels to end users. GeolinQ is able to generate a consistent and usable data model automatically using the GMW and BHR-P WSDL definitions and underlying XSD's. The consortia and links to documentation are: 

End-to-end test BHR-P

All stakeholders, Wageningen University, Sweco, Gasunie, found the end-to-end test extremely useful. The Project report (in Dutch), including links to the GeolinQ evaluation environment for the test is available via 20170517 BRO-BHR-P evaluatierapport.

End-to-end test GMW

All stakeholders, Provinces of Overijssel and Zeeland found the end-to-end test extremely useful and promising. The Project report (in Dutch), including links to the GeolinQ evaluation environment for the test is available via: 20170210 BRO-GWM evaluatierapport.

Contact us for more information and developments concerning the Dutch BRO standard for sub-surface data and GeolinQ support Contact.